Senin, 24 September 2012


Resep KBB#29: Eccles Cake

Jiahhh...dapet puff pastry lagiiii...padahal duluuu juga gak sukses2 amat, tapi masih ada kriuk2nya. Yang ini lebih parahh hehehe...karena resepnya dimodif supaya tetep bisa menggiling...alhasil bantat dengan sukses walaupun ngembang tapi renyahnya gak terasa... :D
Ini resepnya :
tantangan kali ini adalah sejenis pastry yang berasal dari sebuah kota di Inggris. Kue ini pertama kali tahun 1793 oleh toko James Birch, yang terletak di jalan Vicarage di kota Eccles. Kue dengan bentuk bundar pipih, dan berisi kismis ini menjadi kue yang sangat laku dikala itu dan kemudian dikenal dengan nama "Eccles Cake" sesuai dengan nama kota tempatnya berasal.
Beberapa hal yang harus di perhatikan dalam tantangan "Eccles Cake" kali
ini :
1. Pastry-nya wajib dibuat sendiri, jadi tidak diperkenankan membeli Puff
Pastry beku siap bakar ^^
2. Isian seperti Kismis, kacang2an dapat ditambahkan/diganti sesuai

Makes about 50 smallish cakes
- 6 tablespoons unsalted butter
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
- Peel from 2 lemons
- Peel from 2 oranges
- 2 cups dried currants
- 1/2 cup
- golden raisins
- 2 tablespoons brandy
- 1/4 cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice
- Melt the butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. Add the spices and
peel and fry until they are fragrant in the butter. Add the fruit, brandy,
and juice. Simmer for ten or fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. Let
cool, then put in the fridge overnight to let the flavors really meld.
Puff Pastry
- 1 pound (4 sticks @ 113 gr)) unsalted butter
- 4 cups AP flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- Between 1 and 1/2 cups ice water
Take three of the sticks of butter and slice them in half lengthwise and
then again widthwise. Arrange them into a rectangle on a large piece of
wax paper. Put another piece of wax paper on top and roll them the butter out into a 9x12-inch rectangle between the sheets of waxed paper.
Chill for at least four hours. Put the four cups of flour into a food processor. Cut up the remaining stick of butter and add it, bit by bit, to the flour and pulse into dusty
Dump the butter-flour crumbs into a big bowl and add ice water gradually, stirring, just until the dough comes together. Knead for a couple minutes until smooth. Wrap and refrigerate four hours or overnight.
Roll the dough out into a 1/4-inch-thick rectangle and place the butter rectangle on top. Fold the corners of the dough over the butter and roll out to its previous size. Fold the sides of the dough up to the middle, like folding a piece of paper into thirds, then fold it again in half —
like closing a book.
You're working the butter into the dough in finer and finer layers; the butter if it stays cold will puff the pastry up in delicious and spectacular ways when you're finished. Wrap this parcel well and put back in the fridge for at least an hour or two. Take the dough out and roll the parcel out into the rectangle again, then repeat the folding process. This is working the butter into the pastry in finer and finer layers. Continue this process - rolling out, then folding. These are called turns. Do at least four turns - six or more is even better.

It's very simple: the longer you let the dough rest and chill between turns, and the more turns you do, the lighter and flakier your pastry will be. I did five turns over the course of about 8 hours, and mine was fine - but if I was doing some other kind of pastry I would definitely let it sit overnight at least once.
Assembly 1 egg, beaten Coarse sugar Heat the oven to 375°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Take a third of the the puff pastry dough from the fridge. It should be very cold and firm, but not hard. Roll it out to a thickness of about 1/8-inch. Cut small circles - I used a biscuit cutter that gave me four-inch circles. You could do larger, but I wanted a lot of individual pastries.

Put a small dollop of filling (about 1 teaspoon) in the center of each dough circle. Fold in half, like a potsticker dumpling, and seal the edges with your fingers. Now bring the two pointy edges up and fold them in the center, on the curved seam. Flatten out the little pouch with your fingers, and roll it into a small circle - just thin enough that the filling shows through the dough a little. Try not to let it leak out, though. Make two or three
shallow slashes in the top of the finished round cake. Brush with beaten egg, and sprinkle with sugar. (Note: I think that my pastry dough was pretty warm by this point, from all the handling and rolling. I didn't try this at the time, but in the future I think I would put the finished, unbaked pans of cakes in the fridge or freezer to letthem chill again - maybe for an hour. This would make a higher, lighter pastry.) Bake for about 20 minutes, or until golden brown and puffy. Try not to eat one immediately - the hot raisin filling will scorch your mouth – believe me, I know. These are amazingly good even a few days later

Minggu, 23 September 2012

KBB#30 - Rosemary - Cheese Spritz Cookies

Holaaaa...tantangan kali ini bikin kue keju rempah niy..., kejunya pakek edam aja soale ada stok di rumah...rasanya unik karena pakek rosemary
Rosemary-Cheese Spritz Cookies
From Food Network Kitchen

1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter
1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest
1 large egg yolk
6 tablespoons heavy cream
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup finely grated Pecorino cheese
1/2 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons minced fresh rosemary leaves
1 teaspoons fine salt
Pinch freshly ground nutmeg

Special Equipment: Cookie Press


Bring all ingredients to room temperature.

Beat the butter and lemon zest with an electric mixer at medium speed until
smooth, about 30 seconds. Slowly beat in the egg yolk and cream.

Whisk the flour, pecorino, 1/4 cup of the Parmesan, sugar, rosemary, salt, and
nutmeg together in a bowl. Gradually add the flour mixture into the butter
mixture while mixing slowly. Scrape down the sides of the bowl, then beat on
medium speed to make a slightly sticky dough.

Fill the cookie press with the dough. Assemble the press with the desired disk
shape (see cook's note), and press cookies onto ungreased baking sheets. Leave
about one inch between cookies. Sprinkle with the remaining 1/4 cup Parmesan
and refrigerate cookies for 20 minutes.

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
Bake cookies, rotating pan halfway through, until golden, the cheese browns a bit, and the cookies smell nutty, about 20 to 25 minutes. Briefly cool the cookies on the baking sheets, then transfer to racks to cool. Serve or store in a tightly sealed container for up to 1 month.

Cook's Notes: These freeze beautifully. Press the cookies out into desired shapes on cookie sheets and freeze. Transfer frozen cookies to a plastic bag, seal, and keep frozen for up to 1 month. When ready to bake, lay out frozen cookies on cookie trays and bake from frozen for 25 minutes.

Some disk shapes work better than others. Since this is savory cookie, we liked
the cutters that result in a cracker shape cookie.

Rabu, 12 September 2012

Avocado steam cake

Bolu Kukus AlpukatPenasaran bikin bolu kukus pake buah alpukat, akhirnya berhasil juga tersenyum dengan cantik. Sayang alpukatnya masih belom mateng banget, jadi rasanya kurang nendang or mungkin coba ditambahin lagi alpukatnya, mudah2an masih mau naik hehehe...
Resepnya pake "bolu kukus santan" tapi santannya diganti pake susu soale buat blender si alpukat.

Berhubung si bolkus ini yang bisa dibawa waktu Home Made Food Fiesta 2008nya NCC tgl 17 Feb. yang lalu, jadi dibawah ini dilampirken resep yang kudu hadir bersama non bolkus tsb.


Resep dasar dari bolu kukus Kara
Modifikasi by bibien (updated 01.09.2008)
*Resep ini perlu di update, terus terang waktu bikin memang coba2 dan bahan2nya yang ada aja n alhamdulillah berhasil sehingga bisa dibawa ke HMFFnya milis NCC 2008 kemarin. Tetapi waktu coba praktek lagi banyak gagalnya n akhirnya yang bisa dipertanggung - jawabkan resepnya adalah spt tsb dibawah ini....

- 250 gr tepung terigu
- 200 gr gula pasir halus (kalo mau lebih manis n gampang inget yha tambahin jadi 250gr)
- 200 ml juice alpukat (ambil 100 s/d 125gr buah alpukat yang cukup matang, diblender dengan 200ml susu cair, kelebihan juicenya di tambahin gula n diminum deh hehehe)
- 3 butir telur yang sedang
- 1 sdt Emulsifier
- ½ sdt BPDA
- Vanili secukupnya
- Pewarna hijau secukupnya
- Mocca pasta dan black forrest pasta (dicampur) untuk aksen warna
Cara membuat:
- Panaskan kukusan dengan api besar yang penutupnya diberi serbet agar air kukusan tidak jatuh ke adonan pada saat pengukusan.
- Kocok gula dan telur sampai setengah mengembang, masukkan emulsifier. Kocok lagi sampai gula larut dan adonan mengental.
- Masukkan 1/3 bagian tepung terigu yang telah diayak bersama BPDAnya sambil terus dikocok, masukkan juice alpukat.
- Secara bergantian masukkan selang seling tepung dan juice, terakhir tepungnya *ini nyontek cara kalo bikin adonan cake hehe, ngaruh nggak yha…mbuh deh*
- Masukkan vanili dan pewarna, kocok sebentar kemudian matikan mikser.
- Ambil sebagian adonan di mangkok kecil, beri perasa mocca dan black forrest, aduk sampai rata, taruh di kantong spuit kecil, potong ujungnya. Siap digunakan untuk aksen warna.
- Sisa adonan masukkan dalam kantong spuit besar, potong ujungnya. Siap digunakan.
- Siapkan cetakan bolu kukus yang sudah dialasi cetakan kertas, tuangkan adonan dasar ¾ bagian, isi dengan adonan mocca-coklat sedikit, tutup lagi dengan adonan dasar .
- Kecilkan api sampai sedang, jaga air tetap mendidih/bergolak halus, supaya air tidak kena adonan.
- Masukkan adonan dan kukus selama 10 menit
- Jangan lupa berdoa semoga bolu kukusnya ketawa dan juga nggak menciut abis ketawa alias bantet xixixi……
- Mateng deh, dimakan hangat2 sambil ngopi….. n di luar hujan… whadoh…nyam nyam bangets

Selasa, 04 September 2012

Avocado Soes

Avocado Soes by Kartika Binakasih

Holaaaa NCCers...,

ikutan setor yha....sebenernya udah rencana dari minggu lalu..setelah
dapet ide untuk variasi isi soes dengan buah alpukat....tapiii pot repot
sama urusan rumah...baru hari ini dweh maksa setor sambil harap2 cemas
belom mudah2an ada yang bikin dengan isi yang sama xixixixixi...

Resepnya pake punya NCC:

- 225 ml air (di tempat lain kok ada yang 200ml yha..)
- 125 margarin (aku pake butter)
- 1 sdm gula pasir
- 150 gr tepung terigu cakra
- 1/2 sdt baking powder (nggak pake juga nggak papa)
- 4bt telur yang sedang (kurleb @ 60 gr kali yha...)
*psst...aku tambahin juga 1 sdm keju parmesan biar wangi..hehehehe*

Cara buat:
- air, margarin dan gula direbus sampai mendidih, kecilkan api.
- Masukkan tepung terigu, baking powder dan keju (kalo mau pake), aduk
sampai rata kemudian
matikan api.
- Kalau adonan sudah hangat, masukkan telur satu persatu sambil
dikocok dengan mixer kecepatan rendah. Jika sudah rata, adonan masukkan
dalam spuit dan disemprotkan ke loyang dengan bentuk sesuai selera.
- Panggang dalam oven yang sudah dipanaskan dengan suhu 200o C selama
25 menit.

Avocado Cream:

- 150 gr buah alpukat yang cukup masak
- 50gr whipcream cair (pake yang ada aja siy)
- 100 gr whipcream bubuk
- 200ml air dingin
- gula pasir secukupnya (lupa nimbang hehehhe)

Cara buat:

- Kocok WC bubuk dengan air dingin, sisihkan
- Blender alpukat, WC cair dan gula.
- Masukkan juice alpukat kedalam adonan WC, kocok sampai merata dan
tambahkan pewarna hijau secukupnya.

Kartika Binakasih